  • Maintenance Service and Parts Supply

    Relying on our own advantages, we have established relevant equipment maintenance workshops and spare parts inventory in the Middle East.

    We can provide equipment maintenance, refurbishment and on-site emergency repair services.

    Relying on the workshop, through our professional team, we can achieve high-quality maintenance, repair and refurbishment services, and supply spare parts for related equipment.

    Vast' on-site repair service can provide you with professional support and on site skills training where you need it. Your service request will be quickly attended to and the relevant work will be performed by certified service engineer. With on-site repair services, you can greatly shorten the downtime of production and equipment.

  • Predictive Maintenance

    Well-planned routine and regular monitoring services can reduce the risk of failure. When performed regularly, preventive maintenance keeps the efficiency of machines and systems intact, ensuring long-term uptime and efficiency.
    Real-time data on process and equipment-related variables such as temperature, pressure, vibration, speed, electricity, and the chemical properties of the oil help to address and solve problems before they occur. Detecting and preventing hidden failures helps reduce unnecessary downtime, excessive wear (of machine components), and additional costs.
    We can provide professional monitoring systems and regular inspection services.